Parents, here you will find some additional information about our school. Feel free to download and review the documents below. As always if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact our office, any of our staff, our webmaster or our Director.

Parents, here you'll find all the required forms that will need to be completed and returned to the school office. Please take some time and review these forms. If you have any further questions please let us know.
Annual Medication Authorization Form
Sharing of Foods
Parent Written Information Packet
Parent Notification of Licensing Handbook
Discipline Policy:
Discipline is a topic in every school and household in America today and Montessori Children’s Center is no different. We believe that each student has the right to be treated with respect by their teachers and other students. We believe it is the responsibility of the staff to provide a caring and safe environment, which we strive to maintain, both physically and psychologically...
After School Dance Program:
We are proud to offer dance to MCC students again this year (our 14th).
We are committed to presenting dance in a safe, positive environment.
Please bring the application to our office upon completion.
Application for Admission:
In order for your child to attend our school, an application for admission must be completed. This document can now be completed on-line and printed. A non-refundable application fee must also accompany the document. Please bring the application to our office upon completion.
Enrollment Checklist:
A quick and easy checklist to help organize the forms and submissions required.
Child Information Record:
The State of Michigan Department of Human Services requires the following form to be completed in full. All requested information must be provided.
If the information is not known or does not apply, “unknown” or “none” is
the required response. A blank field, a line through a field or “N/A” are
not acceptable responses.
Physical Education Form:
All Students have physical education classes each week. For their safety, we require the students to wear tennis shoes or a shoe with a rubber sole that ties or has velcro fastening. Please complete and return this form to the school office.
Parental Health Statement:
Parents please complete and return this health statement to the office.
Sick Child / Medication Release Form:
Althought we'd love to see your child everyday, if they're sick please keep them home. Also contained within this form is the medicaiton release. Please acknowledge both sections and return the completed form to the office.
MCIR / Health Appraisal Form:
The following information is requested so that the school can work with the parent to meet the physical, intellectual and emotional needs of the child.
Here you'll find a description and some additional information about the curriculum that is offered here at Montessori Children's Center.
Infant - Toddler Curriculum:
Our Infant - Toddler environment is designed to assist in the areas of practical life, fine motor skills, sensorial development, language development, art and music.
Pre-Primary Curriculum:
Our preprimary environment for children ages 3 through 5 maintains a staff/student ratio of 10 to 1 in the classroom, in daycare and creative arts. Children may attend a half day or full day program.
Here you'll find the lists of supplies that you child will need when enrolled within the different levels of classrooms. Each level has a different need and will require their own supplies. Please review the lists as follows:
Infant Supply List:
Parent of infants enrolled in our program must supply the following for their child. All items are to be labeled with the child’s name...
Toddler Supply List:
Parent of toddlers enrolled in our program must supply the following for their child. All items are to be labeled with the child’s name...
Preschool Supply List:
Parent of children enrolled in preprimary/kindergarten are asked to supply some essential items...
Tuition Schedule:
The 2025-2026 tuition schedule has now been released and is available for download by the link to the right. Please be aware that our infant and toddler fees are based on a year round schedule, beginning the Tuesday after Labor Day and ending the third or fourth week of August.